Network Presence (NP)

NetworkPresence (NP) is an Australia business (ABN: 32150070143, from 2011.) locating at Adelaide, SA. NetworkPresence (NP) provides High Performance Australian VPS and Cloud hosting, and custom expert management.

NetworkPresence (NP) has 2 server locations in Australia – Adelaide and Sydney that attracted our attention. They have many services and the main hosting services are 1) Virtual Private Servers (VPS), 2) Colocation & Content Hosting, 3) Data Storage / Backup Servers. And we focus on the VPS offers below.

NetworkPresence (NP) NVMe VPS
NetworkPresence (NP) Sydney SSD VPS
NetworkPresence (NP) Adelaide SSD VPS
NetworkPresence (NP) High Power NVMe VPS
NetworkPresence (NP) KVM HDD VPS
NetworkPresence (NP) Windows VPS

NetworkPresence (NP) provides a fair deal in pricing in their ADL & SYD KVM SSD hosting. In a sale event, their ADL & SYD KVM SSD plan monthly price start from $3, then $7 per quarter and 28 per annual, usually will cost $3, $6, $12 and $24 per month, annual discount is available and there are more plans on their website as above.

NetworkPresence (NP) accepts common types of payment methods – paypal and credit card.

NetworkPresence (NP) testing site is not available and there are no trial and cancellation policy found at the time of editing this post.

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